Phase 1

-Idea 1- Robot Invasion game

  • Theme: Sci-Fi/Horror
  • Demographic: 16-18 rated
  • Narrative: Don’t get killed by the robots
  • A&V Style: Realistic style
  • Job Roles: Modelers/Animator/Unity programmer/Concept and texture artist

My chosen job role will be a modeller. I will need 4 people on the team.

  • Project Scale: Short trailer

Have a short trailer showing off the environment and the robots.

Have the character walk through a hallway while the robots are walking around searching. Have it done in one shot.

This sets an end goal for the project.

-Idea 2- Medieval Fantasy game

  • Theme: Fantasy
  • Demographic: 18 rated
  • Narrative: Unite the Celtic clans against the Anglo invaders
  • A&V Style: Realistic
  • Job Roles: Modelers/Animator/Texture Artist.

My chosen job role will be a modeller and maybe animator. I will need 3 or 4 people on the team.

  • Project Scale: Short trailer

Have the trailer show the protagonist watch as the Anglo-Saxons land on the shores.

Have a 10-second long trailer with 2 or 3 shots, one showing the protagonist, one showing the landing and the final one showing the army of Celts.

-Idea 3- Cartoon Style Puzzle game

  • Theme: Puzzle game
  • Demographic: All ages

This game should have levels easy enough for younger audiences to be able to complete but then have advanced levels for older audiences.

  • Narrative: Solve puzzles to find a cool hat
  • A&V Style: Cartoon style
  • Job Roles: Artist/Modeler/Unity Programmer
  • Project Scale: Small level

The level will be a simple puzzle which involves cube placement and light reflecting aspects.  

The reason why I chose Idea 1.

I chose Idea 1 because I have already done a few projects which are from the medieval and classical periods and I want to try to make something new. Also, I want to work on Sci-Fi projects in the future and this would be great practice. This will also give me a chance to work on my animation skills while making the trailer.

I think making a horror game would be a great chance to make an interesting environment where I could create a destroyed section of a city to create the feeling that hope is lost and your objective is to survive instead of fight the robots because they have already won.

The third reason why I chose this Idea is that I would like to experiment with sound design and maybe use some skills that I picked up in music to create a hopeless atmosphere for the trailer.

Idea 1 in greater detail. 

Idea 1 is about a robot invasion, this will be the back end of the invasion where the robots have already wiped out most of humanity and most of the world has been decimated. The goal for the player is to avoid the robots that are searching for survivors. To do this the player will have to avoid searchlight coming from drones and the scout robots which patrol the area.

The backstory is that the AI controlling all the police robots was hacked and became corrupted which led to the AI spreading the corruption to the police robots first then spreading to other types of robots which leads to most of the emergency services and armed forces to be killed first which led to widespread panic.

Started the research for my chosen pitch.

For the research, I have to look up 2-3 movies or games, or a bit of both, which are the same genre as the idea that I have. For this I have chosen to do some research about; 2001 A Space Odyssey, The Terminator and I Robot. I need to give a brief blurb about each movie’s narrative. Also, I need to describe the visuals and sounds of the movies with the movie’s ratings at the end.

After I have completed the research then I give an explanation of my idea. This explanation should be set out like how I have set out the research so I have a brief blurb about the plot, give details about the level design and visual style of the level. Also, need to explain my ideas for the sound design for the game. Then give a brief explanation of the mechanics of the game.

Idea Explanation.

Idea 1- An AI which controls the police robots has been corrupted and has set the robots out onto the world to destroy all the inefficient humans. After 4 brutal years all of humanities governments have given up or been destroys which leaves people to fend for themselves. It is the player’s job to find sanctity by escaping the robot patrols. The environment is a destroyed city so the scene only has spread out fires for a light source, old neon signs from old shops and the lights that the robots have. Everything is drab rubble and a dust cloud covers the city limiting the player’s visibility. The game will feature dietetic sounds coming from the robots like the sounds of hydraulic movement of the joints. Also, it will sirens and explosions in the background to convey that the robots are destroying the inner parts of the city.

The player is able to hide in nearby objects, lean around corners to scout out, throw objects to distract the robots and damage the robot in a QTE, quick time event when the robot is about to catch them.

The art style will be realistic because I want realism to help the horror aspect. The audio style will also be realistic and I will be using a hydraulic noise for the robots and sirens for background noise.  


Here is the storyboard I have made for the game trailer, I had to use Paint to create this which is why it is so low quality.







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