Ekipa: Synoptic Project – Phase 3


checklist   This is a screenshot of the checklist we use in our team Trello page what we had accomplished in the first week of phase 3. we’re using a checklist like this to help us keep track of what needs to be done. scrum 1

As a team we take turns writing up the scrum meeting doc for that week, the first week of phase 3 was my turn to write for the scrum meeting. the scrum meetings help us understand what we need to do for that week, it is also a way of keeping track who is absent.

sprint 1

This screenshot shows the Pre-production sprint which shows what we will need to do and what has been done. -14/02/2019- UPDATE – after getting some feedback on the production sprint the spreadsheet has been cut into 3 different spreadsheets because I had all 3 sprints on the same spreadsheet when they need to be apart so that I can get detail into what we have done as a team.

I need to make a simple block out of the scene so we have an idea of what the medical bay will look like. I made a quick block out while at home on the 4th of Feb because I wasn’t able t get it done in the first week.

We have a drawn storyboard which gives us a general idea of what the room will look like.

I need to create an idea of what the alien will look like in our game.


Last week we came up with the basic idea of our game and then we started to




The med bay will have a vent on the floor, various kinds of scanners, an operating table in the middle of the room, 4 cryo pods against one wall of the room, a supply closet, and a corridor.

After sending off the basic block out Maya file we noticed that my grid set up on the Maya I use at home was different to what we use at college so as a team we all changed our grid layouts and settings so that they are the same just in case any of us makes a model in our own version of Maya and that it is to scale with the rest of the assets.

Last week we started to create the schedules and the trello page to help keeps us organised. Later I have to change the schedule.


Alien Research

Today I made an alien college to get ideas for the alien we need to make. So far we have decided on the alien having mandibles. Having this mood-board will help us decide what the alien will look like in our game. We will be able to choose which parts of the aliens we want to get inspiration off.

Last week I created the block out scene to help us get an idea of what the scene may look like, also it would help Bart have a scene to go off while in Unreal.


Pre-Production Sprint 1

This is the updated version of the Pre-Production sprint spreadsheet which tells you who has worked on what, and what the colours mean. On the 4th of Feb, we had a problem with everyone signing the contract because not every member were in that week. We were able to sign the contract and get it signed by a witness after getting feedback on what we had so far for Sprint 1.

Last week we created a mood board of different aliens in fiction to get an idea of what we might want to make for our game.


Sprint 2 25 02

This is the production sprint 2. This will be edited over time but it blocks out what we need to do during the main production. A reason why the schedule may change will be if we don’t finish sprint 1 in time and we’ll have to overlap into sprint 2 to get it finished.


This is the narrative for our Synoptic project which Brandon has written, This gives us an idea of what may happen in the game and the ambient settings for the scene. When looking for sound files this will also be useful because it gives us an idea of what we need within the game.

media research


Last week I further updated the sprint 1 schedule to show what needs to be done and what has been done.


Last week I was off sick so I was unable to do as much work as I needed to do, one of my teammates has started making the models: such as Syringes, med kit and a table for the room.

Here I what he made, he’s asked me to make improvements to the models where I can. This is the med-kit model and I thought that it could use a bit of an update.

The syringe models look very modern but I thought we could include something that looks a bit more high tech.

These are the rest of the models that he made, I have already made a few modifications to the Med table, I extended the railing all the way around and wheels on the bottom.


To get the railing I used a previous asset to get the curve part of the rail then I just extended the other rails to fit then I used the target weld tool to fix them together. For the wheels I looked at trolley wheels to get inspiration. After I made the first wheel I just duplicated it and moved it around which was a bit fiddly when using the snap to grid tool. The way I got around this was by just selecting both of one side and moving them under the trolley leg then doing so again for the width side.


I have found that the scale of the model I quite large, I will need to check the other files to see if anything else needs to be resized.


I have decided to create a new style of med kit to go with the futuristic style. I am going off the design of the other med kit, however, I have added bevels to the box which makes it look way more futuristic.


The extruded parts of the box which wrap around will be either coloured black with a rubber texture or a silver metallic texture. This would add a bit of detail to a simple box. The little bumps on the side of the box are the hinges and case locks which were inspired by a normal briefcase.

This is what I have so far for the new version of the syringe, for this I went for more of a sci-fi style like what you would see on halo or star trek. The top of the syringe will hold a vile as a spare.


Here are the UVs so far, I need to get the proportions right so all the squares are the same size so that the texturing process will be easier for my teammates. This is the UV i got from using the automatic UV map tool.


I had to smooth some of these glass models and add the phong E material just to make them look a bit more natural.

Last week I helped with the media research by saying what to look into like Star Trek and I helped give a basic narrative which Brandon expanded on.


modulsr step 1

After our group had a talk with Gareth, he mentioned that it would be easier if our game was just an environment instead so I started to work on modular details like pipes and barrels, I will be making different floor pieces and vents as well. To create these I looked at plastic barrels to get the basic shape of the barrel and for the curvy pipe I took an image off google to help me line up the edges so that the curve looks natural and not jagged.


I have updated the Trello page to communicate with my team since I am off ill. This helped me communicate with my team even though I was not in.

Last week I was sent 3 models and I remade 2 of them to look a bit more futuristic then I added to the last model while UVing the rest.



This is a tray that Cameron made which I have UVed.


The picture above shows me starting to UV the object that Bart has made so that it can have a texture added onto it.


This is a screenshot f the finished UV map for the cupboard, however I think that I could have increased the size of all of the UV shells so that greater detail can be added to the texture.


This is a block out a TV that I am making just to make sure that the size is right.

UPDATE: This file was lost so I had to remake the TV at a later date.

These screenshots show my progress with the CryoPod. In the first picture it shows me measuring the size of the Pod with the effect asset Human, I have used this process with most of my models to assure the size is correct. The second picture shows what i have made for the top half of the door, I made a separate object to create the glass window.

To make the top half of the door I created a cylinder and cut out most of the faces then extruded the the remaining faces to make it thicker then I moved some of the faces to create that basic shape, I used Ctrl E to create the window outline then added an edge loop to then deleted the faces in-between to create 2 separate objects.

Last week I started on the modular asset pack. Which would be used to add a bit more detail to the scene.


Tubes and beakers

The glass assets where made by Cameron but I smoothed them out a bit and added the Phong E material to create a glass like effect. The stands were made by me and they also use the Phong E material to create a clean plastic look, this is used to save time on textures since this rack is meant to look like extremely clean plastic.

Tubes and beakers2

Here is the wire-frame for the test tube stand, It used quite a few edge loops so that there can be holes in the model without it breaking. This object does not use a UV map because the colour can be set to white and have a shiny overlay to create a plastic effect.


this is the latest version of the cryo pod, the door pieces now have a few more edges to retain them from breaking. The window is now much smoother and now used the PhongE material. Hinges have also been added but need editing. This model would have been troublesome to texture because of the amount of edges it has to keep it from breaking during the smoothing -process so I have reverted to using the low-poly version of the door. Also it was difficult to think of what to do with the model when it was smoothed like this because most of the inspiration I was looking at used hard sharp edges.


This is the scalpel model that I have redone. The button on top is used to eject the blade after it has been used. To make this model I used a cube object then imported a picture of a scalpel to used as an outline while making the model. After I got the model to the right shape, I used the smooth tool to give it its curved look.

This is the vent that the monster will be hiding behind. One mistake that I made while making this is that I didn’t remove the back part to the vent so you couldn’t actually see through it, Bart has already fixed this problem.

Last week I started work on the cryo pod which has been quite difficult to design since we’ve misplaced the concept art for it.



This is what we will be using for the walls and pillars around the scene. the floors and the corridor walls have been UVed. The walls will be copied and pasted around the room to accommodate for what may be there. I still need to start to make the roof of the med bay but I need to see what Bart has so far in Unreal to get an idea of what would look alright. To make the floor and the pillar pieces I used the cylinder object but reduced the faces to make it more of an octagonal prism shape, for the floors I widened the shape then deleted the unneeded faces then used the extrude tool to create steps down.


This is a newer picture of the pipes and new vent and pipe cap. These pipes will be used in the hallway leading to the med bay to add a bit of extra detail to the scene, they may also be placed inside of the med bay. The floor piece will be used to the hallway because it doesn’t look like it would be in the medical bay.  To create most of the objects in this picture I used the cylinder and then the extrude tool, for some of the objects I used a picture template from Google to get the curvature right and the T section to proportion.

Table and fridge

I have remade the table and fridge object that Bart made so that it can be easier to texture because now there are way less faces and small polygons inside of it. I have also started to get the UVs of the faces of the object but I am only halfway through this which is why the proportions are different.

I think that the hardest thing to model will be the Cryo-Pod because we don’t have the concept art of the pod so I have to try to go off memory and other reference pictures, I still need to add hinges that look functional and the wires that feed into the pod. I also need to start modelling the robotic surgical arm but this doesn’t have to be functional like the pod does.

Last week I added up the various glass objects and made a test tube stand which will be in the lab area, I also modified the objects slightly to smooth them out for added detail.


Table and fridge2

I have completed the remodelling and the UV map for the table with fridge prop, it is now ready to be sent off to texture. I was going to give the table a bevel but I did not know how it would effect the fridge part of the object because that I wanted to keep the same.

When making this table it was just to reduce the amount of faces and vertexes that Bart’s version of the table had. All I did to make this was create a cube then stretch it into a rectangle then add edge loops near the top, middle and bottom of the cube then extrude the left faces to create the table part of the model.  I repeated this method to create the legs and the fridge door. I the used the bridge tool to create the side panels to connect up the table sections.


The chimney like object on top of the pod is used to suck out CO2 and will be funnelled through the roof of the med bay. The pod has reverted back to it’s low poly version because I have decided not to add any details through sculpting because it would take too much time. However doing this has made it much easier to create a UV so it should also be easier to texture.


I have finally completed the Cryo-Pod object, the doors ad windows are separate to the main object so that they can be animated later or rotated to be left open in the scene to be able to show the inside of the pod. The pod has fin like struts on the sides which are used to keep the pod bolted down to the floor. At the back of the pod and at the side there are 2 ports, one would be used as a life support intake and another would be power. the power will be plugged into the back wall where I have made a big socket. In the scene the life support will be disconnected and laid on the floor.

asset list 0105

Today I have also updated the asset list to show who has textured what object. 13/05/19 Update: There are 3 objects left to make but we do not have enough time left to make them so


After looking at the asset list I noticed no one has made or started making the bone saw yet so I have started to make a Sci-Fi bone saw. To make the saw I used a cylinder object and extruded it to then form a light sabre hilt shape, to then make the hand guard I selected some of the faces at the point where the handle widens then extruded them at an angle. To make the saw blade itself I used a cylinder again but left gaps in-between the faces while extruding to create that rigid look then to create the little blades.

I have finished the bone saw and added a UV map to it. The bone saw features a padded handle and it has a slight hand guard. when making the handguard I wanted to make it nearly wrap around the blade to prevent splash back but I realized that it would be hard to maintain precision with a metal slab blocking the view.


This shows that we have ran into a bit of post production time with the main production phase.

Last week I updated the modular assets and started to make the final walls for the scene which were sent off to Cameron to texture.


Today I will be carrying on with the poster creation, I will be making a landscape poster for our game. The poster features a hallway that has been dimmed down to create a horror vibe. I added a slight green overlay to make the hallway look a bit older and abandoned. Hallway Landscape 1

I would like to have the doors open slightly but I doubt that I will be able to do that with my limited experience with photoshop. I want to do this so that it looks like something is inside the end room maybe trying to get out.

Hallway Landscape 2

I did manage to get the door open in which I have placed a set of glowing eyes peering out. The only problems that I had while doing this was that some of the door was hidden behind some piping so I had to fill out the gaps. In the gap between the doors I also added a smoke effect to add a bit of extra detail instead of having a solid black background. A fog effect was added to the foreground along with the placeholder text.

Hallway Landscape 3

We finally thought of a name for our game, Intake 5449.

Today I have also updated the Trello page and updated the spreadsheets.

trello 12313

The updates that I have made to Trello are the addition of the new sprint 3 checklist and then adding detail of what needed to be done on a few tabs in the description section. I gave everyone something to do and added green tabs to the projects have been completed.

Last week the final parts of the production phase were getting wrapped up, the last model was made and the cryo pod was finally finished.


game cover 1

I started on the cover art for our game by using the art that Brandon made, However the art that he made was more to the size of a Xbox one game case so to sort this the blur tool was used to make a gradient effect on top and bottom edges. Then I sent this psd to Brandon and he is finishing off the box art. I have given a bit of input in what it should look like on the spine of the case.

game cover 2

This is what Brandon had made so far, when I take away the Undertale themed slides the back it quite bare so I will start to add reviews, blurbs and various pictures that fit with the theme.

game cover 3

I have hidden the Undertale layers and just added some text like reviews and a blurb. I have started to add some of the pictures. I was planning to have 3 pictures on the back of the game case but since members are gone we don’t have enough time to create 2 more pictures.

game cover 4

I added one of the slogans to the top of the case and expanded the hallway picture to fill up space. I also added the game of the week sticker to add detail to the front cover. I made the sticker by just stretching an octagon shape and adding inner glow.

Last week I made the landscape poster for the project, Cameron will be making the portrait poster soon.


These are the different texture maps for the cryo pod. The previous textures that were made by Cameron had the wrong UV map for the door sections so I create another file for them which used a slightly stained metal texture, a grime texture and hazard line textures. After making these realized that the rest of the pod had to be redone as well so it matched. I opened Cameron’s file for the main body texture and used some of the images from that to keep the look similar.  One problem with these textures is that the left door uses the same texture map as the right because they are the same object but flipped, in Maya the texture still works but when imported into Unreal the texture is on the inside of the door instead.

Last week Brandon and I started on the game case cover, He made the initial front of the case which I edited to make it fit the Xbox 360 dimensions then I updated to back of the box.



This is one of the renders that was sent in to be apart of our print board, It features the cryo pod that I made and textured. One of the problems with the model when it was sent into Unreal was that the cylinder on top was too short and did not reach the ceiling, this was easily fixed by dragging the top faces up. As stated above the lower left door texture was inside out even though in Maya it was normal. This also meant that the grime texture that was put onto it didn’t match up. Unfortunately I did not have enough time to fix the problem.


Today I have started to write the final presentation and I am about halfway through. Right now I am just gathering pictures for the slides because I want to get the other members opinions on what we did well and what went wrong.

Last week after looking at Cameron’s texture for the cryo pod I saw that the door section didn’t match the body and it wasn’t scaled right so I remade the texture.


This week the only other member that was in was Brandon so we both updated the presentation, we spoke about each individual sprint in depth and updated some of the slides to be a bit more accurate. Showitlol4

Last week I started the presentation, I asked the lecturer at what I needed to have on the presentation then I looked that the classroom which had a list of what was needed.

Final Outcome assessment:

During sprint 1 I was tasked with creating the schedules and making the block out of the scene. I have completed all of the schedules however I was quite behind when updating them while working on the other sprints, especially when midway we decided to just have a fly through instead of a fully working level and some things over-spilling into other phases.

In sprint 2 I started to make the cryo pod but I had a few problems with ideas so I started to work on other objects instead. The first few objects I made were quite high poly because I thought that when the object was sent into Unreal it would convert to a smooth object. Later on in the project I remade a few objects and kept the new objects lower poly to speed up the modelling process.  There was meant to be a mechanical surgery arm and a table in the centre of the room but due to time constraints I wasn’t able to start on the arm, if I did it would’ve meant we would have much fewer assets to dot around the scene. Instead of going back to this near the end of the project I decided to re texture the cryo pod because the doors did not match the body.

Sprint 3 I have made a landscape hallway poster which has also been added to the back of the game box cover, helped keep the Trello page organized and helped on the cover art, mostly the back of the box. I have also written quite a large portion of the final presentation due to half of the members not being here.

The presentation didn’t go as well as hoped, it needed much more detail and It was out of order because I forgot to order it. We were told to look over the classroom guide to get an idea of what else the presentation needed. when looking at this guide It did not give great detail about how much of what we needed to show. the blog section of the project for me is a bit messy since I only have 2 blog posts about the Synoptic project, one being the first weeks of the project and the second being this long blog post. I have looked online about how I can sort this post out but most of the videos and sites said to use features which I don’t have, like the appearance or category sections. It would be too time-consuming to cut this post up to smaller posts and try to get them into one page, I have made a new page but I still have no idea how to get the posts onto that page even after looking online for a solution.

Our final project was very different from what our original idea was but this was mostly due to time constraints and the difficulty of some of the tasks. One example would be the alien, no one in our group had proper 3D sculpting experience so we realized that it would take too long for one of us to learn how to sculpt and then create an alien.

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