Game Design Level 3 Year 2

Beer Barrel with tap.

Barrel Render

This is the final render of the Beer barrel I have made. The barrel has rusted metal rings holding it together and has a polished wooden tap which was separate to the barrel. I need to learn how to create a texture map that covers both of the objects.

These are the two different texture maps I used for the beer barrel. After I textured the barrel and applied the texture I realised that the texture had a watermark on it. When creating the texture map for the tap of the barrel I decided to use a polished wood texture because I thought it looked closest to what the picture that I was basing the barrel off, usually taps are made out of copper but I think this wooden effect looks closer and better than what I could find while searching for a copper texture.

Displaying beer keg.jpg

Here is the original picture that I based the barrel off. One of the differences between my barrel and the source image are that the metal rings are a bit less rusty than the originals, to fix this I could use either a different rust texture or add some grunge textures on top of the texture I already have. Another difference is that the wood on my barrel looks lighter and less worn out. One way to fix this is to play with the contrast, saturation and the colour of the wooden texture then add some dark grunge textures to create the illusion that it is an old barrel.

Problems I had while making the models: While making the handle of the tap I originally made the handle way too small and I realised after the UV map was made so I resized it later on after the textures were placed on it, which lead to some stretched textures. What I should have done is resize the handle first then recreate the UV map to the textures would fit and not be stretched. While making the barrel because the reference picture didn’t show the top of the barrel I was unsure what the top and bottom would look like and I went for a completely flat top which makes the barrel look bad. A fix to this would’ve been to look up other beer barrels so I could get a realistic idea of what the top would look like but I didn’t think of that at the time.


High poly shield – 17/09/18


This is the picture of the shield that I took inspiration from.



High poly shield design

This is the final product of the shield after making the shield into a high poly model. The file was then transferred into Mudbox from Maya to make the sculpting easier. We used a mirroring tool so that the shield would be symmetrical.

To make the patters on the shield I just used the sculpt tool while inverting it, changing the strength and size of the brush. After seeing my end product I have realized that I need to practice sculpting so I’m able to achieve higher detail and to have my models not look like they’re made of a clay.


Low poly shield

This is the shield that we were given to edit. This is a low poly model. In order to make this into a high poly model I had to add some more edge loops so that when I use the smooth preview it retains its shape instead of looking really curved. After this I need to add more polys by adding sub-divisions.

Baking: 19/09/18

Today we were tasked with baking a high poly shield that has been sculpted onto a low poly shield. To do this we needed to have 2 shields, one being high poly and the other being low poly. Then the high poly shield is taken into a sculpting software so additional detail can be added to the shield.



As you can see from these pictures I opted for a very battered worn down shield so it looks like the shield has seen it’s fair share of conflict. Also from this picture above you can see how many polys are used so I could achieve that amount of detail. However, because of the mass amount of polys this shield would not be good in a game because it would put too much strain on the engine.



After i have added the detail to the shield using the sculpting program the shield is then returned to Maya where it can be baked onto the low poly shield. doing this means that the shield can still achieve great detail and not stress the game engine.

Viking Shield clay

whilst sculpting the high poly model I have to make sure that the additions I am making doesn’t break the shield shape, so if I added a big spike to the front. This is because the high and low poly need to be very similar in shape and size, if not then the low poly shield wouldn’t fit to the high poly and the baking process would be a mess.
